
    Thunder on the Way to Flux!

    Now F-Drive has launched on Flux and WordPress is also on the way in the future. Flux will need to ramp up its storage capabilities and this is where Project Thunder comes in. It will allow node operators to connect storage devices to there nodes providing another income stream.

    I am excited to see this its a huge enabler for Flux and the surrounding ecosystem, At this moment in time it looks like there will be 3 tiers, 20, 50 and 100 terabytes which will most likely be on the Cumulus node infrastructure I learned from my AMA,

    The good thing about this is that its not SSD drives, Its Hard Drives which I have plenty of from Chia Mining. I have around 100 terra bytes ready to deploy and will drop an update with the process for connecting you Hard Drives to the node, so watch this space.

    I would not go and buy drives for it just yet though, until you know what the speed requirements are going to be. Most likely 200 mbps a second from what I saw on the video from the Mining King but I would wait till confirmation comes from Flux.

    What does this mean for Flux?

    It means Flux will have the capability to take advantage of persistent storage which they have just launched at a far cheaper rate. This saving will roll down to the end consumer I suspect driving forwards mass storage capabilities. Which big tech will be very interested in. This will help bring Flux and web 3 into wider adoption as the cost will be a lot lower, yet they will have similar flexibility of storage options at a consistent price due to the new fiat on ramp which was launched with Jetpack 2.0.

    When is it coming?

    The new Road Map for the Project is due to be released very soon. I will include it here once I have seen it.

    Thanks for reading and if you would like to keep up to date with the project, please follow me on twitter,

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